The National Scientific Advisory Committee (NSAC) is a standing committee of the Cancer Society of New Zealand Board
The National Scientific Advisory Committee (NSAC) provides expert advice to the Cancer Society of New Zealand Board about cancer research, including recommendations to the Board on the funding of research proposals in the National Research Grant funding rounds.
Members of the National Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr Melanie McConnell - nsac chair
Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka
Area of Expertise: Cancer genetics; gene expression; cancer cell biology; cell biology of stress responses; mitochondria in therapy resistance; brain tumour glioblastoma; melanoma; breast cancer.
University Bio:
Dr george laking (te whakatōhea) - medical director csnz
Medical Oncologist, Director - University Research Centre for Cancer Research University of Auckland
Area of Expertise: Sarcoma; lung cancer; Electronic Cigarettes; Tobacco control; Māori health; Medicines policy; Health economics; AYA oncology
University Bio:
dr kate gregory - medical director csnz
Medical Oncologist based in Nelson Marlborough
Area of Expertise: Breast & Gynaecological cancer. Cancer Survivorship. Palliative Care.
Professor GABI DAchs
Professor, University of Otago (Christchurch campus)
Area of Expertise: Tumour hypoxia; Vitamin C; Chemotherapy; Breast cancer; Colorectal cancer; Kidney cancer; Radiation therapy
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Dr Moana Tercel
Senior Research Fellow, Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, University of Auckland
Area of Expertise: Medicinal chemistry; organic synthesis; anticancer drug development; drug design; tumour hypoxia
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Dr Sharon Pattison
Senior Lecturer and Medical Oncologist, University of Otago
Area of Expertise: Gastrointestinal cancers; neuroendocrine tumours; prognostic and predictive variables
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