Around the country we have a dedicated team of volunteers to drive you to treatments when your whānau and friends aren't available.

The volunteer driving service is delivered by registered volunteer drivers who gift their time and use their own vehicle to provide transport for cancer patients to cancer related appointments.

Drivers undergo a recruitment process which includes interviews, advanced driving assessments, police checks, orientation and ongoing training.

We offer this service for people undergoing cancer treatment who are unable to drive, do not have their own transport, or do not have family, whānau or friends to take them.

Our amazing team of volunteer drivers have helped a lot of people get to and from their cancer appointments in the past year:

volunteer drivers
trips to get people to cancer treatments
kilometres driven

We offer driving services around the country

Check the information for your local Cancer Society as there are some differences in how the service operates from office to office.

Find out more about the driving services in your area

North Island

Our volunteer driving service is co-ordinated by our own staff, drivers can pick you up from home and return you after your appointment.

To find out more please phone us at Daffodil House on (09) 437 5597 or email Alternatively you can talk to your Cancer Society Liaison Nurse.

Because this is a voluntary service we ask that you please:

  • Give us as much notice as possible - at least two working days.
  • Try and make sure your appointments are between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm. The hospital booking clerks can help you with this.
  • Consider all your other transport options, at least for some appointments.
  • Understand that it may not always be possible for us to assist you, although we will do our best.

To request a driver or to find out more please phone (09) 437 5597 or email 

Transport from Whangarei to Auckland

The NDHB operates a free shuttle that runs from Whangarei to Auckland Hospital on weekdays.  Bookings are essential for this service. For more information or to book please call: (09) 430 4101 extn 7405 or 8716.

Transport from Regional Northland into Whangarei

NDHB provides a daily transport from various community centres around Northland to Whangarei. Further information about the service is available on their website.


Who can use the shuttle?

  • Outpatients and inpatients who have an appointment at a public hospital
  • Parents of children with an appointment at a public hospital
  • Support person/carers of older people or people who are physically challenged who have a public hospital appointment
  • Bookings are essential

To book, please call Michelle or Leslie and the Whangarei Hospital transport office on (09) 430 4101 ext 7405 or 8716.

Our limited, free service is only made possible with the help of our very generous volunteer drivers.

Our service operates throughout the greater Auckland area from Orewa in the north to Papakura in the south. If you live outside these areas, you may be eligible for free accommodation at Domain Lodge during treatment.

The service may not be able to provide transport to every treatment appointment.  We aim to fill in the gaps at times when whānau, friends or other community services cannot take you to treatment.

A health professional must make all referrals to this service. You can refer using our Supportive Care referral form

Please make sure to download the information about our service and our criteria before completing a referral.

As our service is limited, we focus on supporting those who:

  • Do not have their own transport
  • Have no/limited support from family or friends
  • Are unable to use public transport
  • Have limited financial resources


Auckland Driving Service - patient information sheet

Auckland Driving Service - information for referrers

To find out more information, please phone 0800 CANCER (226 237). If you are an existing patient and have any queries about your drives or the service, please phone 09 308 0170 (9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday).


We provide free transport for people with cancer to and from their local medical appointments and treatment at Waikato, Rotorua and Tauranga Hospitals as well as the Kathleen Kilgour Centre in Tauranga.

Transport is provided by trained volunteers who will pick you up from home or a designated meeting place and return you after your appointment. 

To find out if our free transport service is available in your town or city, please get in touch:

Hamilton Tauranga Rotorua


If our transport service is not available where you live, our supportive care nurses will be able to advise you on local transport options.

Please contact your local supportive care nurse to talk about your transport needs and the range of assistance available in your area. 

Volunteer Drivers

If you do not have your own transport and are currently undergoing cancer treatment, volunteer drivers are available to drive you to appointments at Gisborne Hospitals.

They will also drive clients to the supermarket, doctors and for other special requirements.

Please contact the Gisborne Centre on (06) 867 1795 or email our Support Services Co-ordinator for more information.


Travel Assistance

If you need to use your own car to travel to and from treatment and you have a Community Services Card, you may be entitled to assistance with travel costs and this can be arranged through the Gisborne Hospital. This is a national Ministry of Health scheme.

Find out more about the Travel Assistance Scheme

Shuttle Service

Hawke's Bay Centre provide a comfortable, safe and supportive shuttle service for Hawke's Bay cancer patients and their supporters/carers, attending the regional Cancer Treatment Service Centre in Palmerston North for treatment.  

The shuttles makes the return trip from Napier/Hastings and Central Hawke's Bay to Palmerston North on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Volunteer Drivers

If you do not have transport for your medical appointments, we offer a service where a volunteer driver will collect you from home and take you to your medical appointments.


Contact us

For further Information on this service please contact our Office Administrator, Phone (06) 876 7638

For shuttle service assistance outside our office hours please phone our driver, John Horton, on 027 248 7217

Cancer Society Shuttle Service – to Palmerston North

The Taranaki Cancer Society Centre provides a shuttle service to and from the Regional Cancer Treatment Centre in Palmerston North:

  • Runs on Mondays & Fridays. 
  • Picks up patients on Monday from Taranaki and takes them to Palmerston North and drops off at Ozanam House.
  • Arrives on Monday by 12 noon and departs on Friday by 12:30pm. 
  • The shuttle service is free. 
  • A caregiver is also welcome to travel. 

To book a place on the shuttle please contact us on (06) 757 3006 between 9 am and 3.30 pm, or email


Volunteer Drivers within Taranaki

If you need assistance to get to your local appointment for treatment at Taranaki Base hospital and your GP, we have volunteer drivers available. 

Please contact the Taranaki Support Coordinator or call us on (06) 757 3006. Please give us at least 24 hours notice so we can arrange a volunteer driver for you.

Volunteer drivers

We have a team of volunteer drivers to enable Whanganui cancer patients to attend local appointments and appointments at the Regional Cancer Treatment Service Centre in Palmerston North and, in certain instances, Wellington.

Coordinated by our staff, drivers will pick you up from home and return you home after your appointment. This is a free service to cancer patients. A supporter or carer may accompany you.

For further Information on this service, please phone the office (06) 348 7402 or send an email to

Volunteer Drivers

If you do not have transport for your medical appointments, we offer a service where a voulunteer driver will collect you from home and take you to your medical appointments. 

We cover the area from Otaki, Levin, Foxton, Foxton Beach, Shannon, Palmerston North, Feilding and surrounding areas.

If you have any enquiries regarding this service please contact our transport coordinator on phone (06) 356 5355.

Patients who are having treatment may use the service for:

  • transport to and from hospital for radiation treatment or chemotherapy treatment, or
  • cancer treatment-related outpatient appointments.

The service cannot provide transport to every appointment but fills in the gaps at times when whānau, friends or community networks cannot take you to treatment.

Wellington Blood and Cancer Centre staff will ask if you have transport. Tell them if you need help either regularly or from time to time, and they will contact the volunteer driving coordinator from your area with details of your appointment.

You can expect to be contacted before your appointment by a volunteer driver who will pick you up from home, drive you to your appointment and drive you home.

The service is free to cancer patients.


Please note:

  • If for some reason the hospital has not arranged transport for you when you requested it, you should call the Cancer Society, phone 04 389 8421.
  • At least 48 hours' notice is needed to arrange transport.
  • If you do not need the pre-arranged transport please tell the Cancer Society as soon as possible.
  • If you have any concerns or comments about the Cancer Society's Driver Service contact us.

South Island

Volunteer drivers

Our volunteer drivers provide transport to and from cancer-related appointments and treatment at Nelson hospital, covering the Nelson-Richmond area.

Financial support for travel costs

For people living in rural areas travelling to Nelson hospital for cancer treatment, we can help with petrol vouchers or contribute to the cost of using the Motueka Ambulance Shuttle which provides transport to and from Nelson Hospital for those in the Motueka/Mapua regions. 

For more information, call us (03) 539 1137 or email

Volunteer Drivers

If you do not have transport for your medical appointments, we offer a service where a volunteer driver will collect you from home and take you to your medical appointments.

If you have any enquiries regarding this service please contact our volunteer driver coordinator on phone (03) 579 4379.

Financial support for travel costs

For people living in rural areas travelling to Wairau or Nelson Hospital for cancer treatment, we may be able to help with petrol vouchers or contribute to the cost.

For more information, call us (03) 579 4379 or email

Travel Assistance

If you need to travel to treatment out of the Marlborough region, you may be entitled to assistance with travel costs. This is a national Ministry of Health scheme and usually coordinated by Nelson Marlborough Health.

Find out more about the Travel Assistance Scheme

It is for people undergoing cancer treatment who are unable to drive, do not have their own transport, or do not have family, whanau or friends to take them.

To access this service contact our  Greymouth centre

It is for people undergoing cancer treatment who are unable to drive, do not have their own transport, or do not have family, whanau or friends to take them.

To access this service contact your local centre:


Our Volunteer Driving Service operates throughout the greater Dunedin area and we do have some volunteers available across the Otago and Southland Region who may be able to assist with driving to local appointments.

Co-ordinated by our own staff, drivers can pick you up from home and return you after your appointment.

If our free transport service is not available in your area and you have significant health needs, a disability, a community services card or travel to frequent medical appointments, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance for transport and/or accommodation. Ask your local Cancer Society staff, specialist, clinic or ward staff, or a hospital social worker for more information.


Because this is a voluntary service we ask that you please:

  • Give us as much notice as possible - at least two working days
  • Consider all your other transport options, at least for some appointments
  • Understand that it may not always be possible for us to assist you although we will do our best
  • Please contact us for further information about transport assistance in your area.

To request a driver or to find out more please about transport options available in your area please phone:

Dunedin Queenstown Wanaka Oamaru Balclutha Alexandra Invercargill Gore

Or the Divisional office on (03) 477 7447, Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm 

Video Link:
Need someone to talk to?
8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday
0800 226 237 Information nurse

We know that going through cancer is tough and can raise many questions. You are not alone.

We have health professionals to answer your questions and provide the support you need. Get in touch

Last updated: August 10, 2023